How do I use the Media Server?
The Media Server is an area you can use to transfer files across the network (eg. from a Keyboard Lab iMac to a library PC). You may leave files on the Media Server temporarily as long as you follow the guidelines for its usage.
The Media Server is for the use of all students, but use of the Media2 Server is limited to just AMT3 students and Staff.
How to access the Media Servers from a Mac
On the desktop, double-click on the ‘Connect to Media Server‘.
A login window will appear. Enter your username and password (the same one that you use to logon to the Library computers), and click on the ‘Connect’ Button.
You’ll now find that there is an icon for the Media server on you desktop.
Double click on the icon on your desktop to access the Media server.
Where to save your files in the Media server
Inside ‘Media‘ you’ll find a folder named ‘Students‘ which contains the following folders: AMT2, Composers, PSS1, and Other Students. Put you files in the relevant place in a folder with your name. Files put in the wrong place on the Media server may be removed.
Please Note:
Never work directly from the Media server, always copy your files to some where on your local computer first (e.g. the ‘Scratch‘ folder).
Make sure you read the important ‘Read Me‘ file in Media before you use it.
Once you’ve finished using the Media Server, make sure you disconnect from it by draging the ‘Media’ icon to the trash can on the dock.